Donarweiss GGF

De Niro-EM Highlight/ Hohenstein
Photo: © Shannon Brinkman

Registration #:


Owner of Record:

Starr Vaughn Equestrian Center

Donarweiss is a homozygous black, 16-H, American-bred Hanoverian. He was champion of his 30-day stallion test with an overall score of 8.33. His versatility was showcased with individual scores of 9.0 for rideability and jumping technique. Donarweiss possesses an extensive show record both internationally and nationally at Grand Prix. Donarweiss and Genay Vaughn competed at the U.S. National Championships in 2011 where they finished third. Later that season, they won the Team Silver Medal at the NAYRC. In 2013, he was the Brentina Cup Reserve National Champion and won at the Region 7 USDF championships in California at Intermediaire II-Junior/Young Rider. Donarweiss possesses the rare combination of international quality, paired with amazing character, which has allowed him to compete all over the world and be selected to represent the U.S. on countless Nations Cups at the U25 Grand Prix. Although he oozes with athleticism, his rideability has allowed him to be ridden by a petite teenager–a quality he has certainly passed down to his offspring, making him the perfect selection. Many of his offspring have reached top sport in hunters, jumpers, eventing and dressage. His oldest offspring are now competing at the FEI level, including Grand Prix, and his youngest are consistently winning at the most prestigious national breed shows, and receiving the Gold Medal foal award and many futurity champions at inspections.
