The Benchmark Perpetual Trophy

This award is donated by a generous AHS member who wishes to remain anonymous, The Benchmark Farm Trophy recognizes mares that show exceptional jumping ability during their Mare Performance Test (MPT). This award is presented to the mare that achieves the highest combined score on the jumping part of the MPT in a calendar year.

"I hope that each year’s winning mare sets a new benchmark of excellence in her jumping, which is such an important attribute of our wonderful Hanoverian breed."  From annonymous donor

Mares are awarded a score for “technique” and a score for “ability” during the free jumping part of the Hanoverian MPT. “Technique” refers to the form – the use of the body – the mare shows as she goes over the fences, especially the large oxer at the end of the chute. “Ability” refers to the innate talent and willingness of a mare to jump a fence of good size height and width. These two scores will be used to determine the winner(s).

The winning mare(s) may have been born in any country, and aren't required to be registered Hanoverian - thoroughbreds, Arabians, or any mares registered with other approved warmblood registries that take the jump chute test are eligible. Also, there is no age limitation. Because it is likely that more than one mare may achieve the same high score in any calendar year, the prize will be awarded to all mares that tie for the highest score in a given year.

Setting the "Benchmark"

For this award, on behalf of our generous sponsor, a beautiful glass piece was commissioned that will reside in the AHS office. The winners’ names will be engraved on a plaque and placed on the trophies base. On the glass is etched a lovely mare jumping a fence in beautiful form. The trophies name honors the award designer Phyllis Hamilton of Benchmark Farm Studio.

The AHS Board of Directors thanks our generous member for proposing and sponsoring this award, and congratulates the winning mares that showed such exceptional jumping ability in their performance tests!


2024 winners (tie) of The Benchmark Farm Perpetual Trophy are HPMC Ellen S-INB pictured left and HPMC Luna T pictured right. 

MPT “Benchmark” High Score Jumping Award Winners

YearHorsePedigreeMPT Combined Jumping ScoreTechniqueAbilityOwnerBreeder
2024 (tie)HPMC Ellen S-INBEmerald van het Ruytershof-As Di Amedea/As di VillaganaMary C. O'ConnorMary C. O'Connor
HPMC Luna TLagoheidor-Charlevoix FCF/CabalitoJillian CzaplaStephen and Kerry Toney
2023GRAFITE N LACEGraf Top I-Samantha S/Sir Caletto9.08.59.5Megan Paget BrownTammy Burgard
2022Grey C TopGrey Top-Delightful/Drosselklang II101010Carlos & Gabriela Fernandezsame
2021License to Kill OTJIndoctro-Kimberly/Landjonker9.2599.5Fox Lair Sporthorses, LLC Christy Bond
2020Prima Noche HUPikko Del Cerro HU -Noble Destiny HU/Noble Champion8.758.59Horses Unlimitedsame
2019Bond Girl DSF Bon Balou-Reflection/Rio Grande9.5910Valerie FoxJennifer & Armin Arnoldt
2018Ondina/Holst.(Cassini I-Utina III/Caretino)9.2599.5Fall Creek Farm, LLC
2017HPMC Penthesilia(Pablo-EM Grand Lady’s Design/Gesandt)999Lois Bradysame
2016 (tie)HPMC Brianka SGF(Baroncelli-EM Anaconda G/Acord II)999Liz Adrian KrugSandra Hunt
HPMC Donafaella OBX(Don Principe-HPM Rafaella OBX/Rousseau)999Don & Joy ChapinOuter Banks Farm, Ohio
2015 (tie)EMC Anna-Karina(Antibes-Raphaea/Rienzi)8.758.59Francesca BrittainMarefield Meadows, Va.
EMC Francezka BPF(Fabuleux-Rexona/Rubinstein I)8.758.59Jennifer WigginsSean Brennan, Texas
2014EMC Balou Moon BHF(Balou du Rouet-EM Coquette BHF/Coconut Grove xx)9.59.510Rick Toeringsame
2013EMC Landollure(Landkoenig-Fourdollar xx/Exact Duplicate xx)999Gina Gregorysame
2012EMC Laus Deo(Landkoenig-Ghizelle/Graf Top II) Donovan and Gustavo RodriguezStacie Fenderson, Calif.
2011EMC Radiance HVH(Rotspon-EM Whitney BH/Welser)101010High Valley Hanoverianssame
2010EMC Rubina HVH(Rubinero-SPS Fabel/Fabriano)9.259.59High Valley HanoveriansWerner Wieckenberg
2009 (tie)EMC Enjoy(Escudo I-Cherrybomb/Calypso II)9.5910Evelynn MajorGabriele Schliffka, Ger.
EMC Finesse C(First Gotthard-Karissa/Kalypso)9.5910Cassandra & William MajeskiSandy Campbell, Calif.
2008EMC First Class M(Fabriano-SPS Wega/Wendekreis)9.5910Michaela ZintHorst Erxleben, Ger.
2007EMC Wildfire(Wigwam-EM Elvira/Einstand)999Nongae JohnsonDr. & Mrs. Maioriello, Ohio
2006EMC Arabella RGS(Acord II-Watina/Wendelin I)9.5910Dr. Terry Schrubb and FamilyErwin Zimmermann
2005 (tie)Fair Lily(First Gotthard-Pia Blanca/Pik Solo)999Judy Hedreensame
EMC Ghamma Ray(Gold Luck-Anike/Archipel)999Maurine Swansonsame
2004 (tie)Francesca(Wanderer-Pia Blanca/Pik Solo)9.5109Judy Hedreensame
Penelope Destiny(Portofino-SPS Diepholz/Don Carlos)9.5109Lou Thompson, Jr.Edward Gamble, Va.