Hartwig Memorial Trophy

The Hartwig Memorial Trophy is awarded annual to the "Best North American-Bred Young Mare." This award is to reward the young mare that has the best-combined scores from her Studbook Inspection and her Mare Performance Test.

The Hartwig Memorial Trophy is restricted to mares that are three- and four-years-old in a calendar year. The goal is to reward those mares that are performance tested when they are young, and show good innate athletic ability and talent.

The eligibility requirements for the Hartwig Prize are as follows:

  • The mare must have been foaled on the North American continent
  • The mare must have been issued AHS foal registration papers; and
  • The breeder must have been an active member of the AHS at the time the mare was bred and continues to be an active member up through the time the mare is tested.

The primary recipient of the award will be the breeder of the mare. However, in instances where an individual other than the breeder owns the winning mare, the owner at the time of the Mare Performance Test will also be recognized.

Congratulations to our 2024 Champion Bayberry ERR pictured left and to Winfurst Whinnybell, pictured right, for being our 2024 Reserve Champion!

Dr. Walter Hartwig Prize Recipients

2024Champion15.23HPMC Bayberry ERRBliss MFWedeliaWolkentanz IILaura OliverChris and Joyce Badenhop
Reserve Champion14.90Winfurst WhinnybellWidmarkBlairBeltanoCindy KiddCindy Kidd
2023Champion15.37FRANZISKA HVHFranziskus-Rebellienne HVHRotsponHigh Valley HanoveriansHigh Valley Hanoverians
Reserve15.32SPECIAL SECRETS C.S.SecretRodanthe OBXRoyal PrinceAmelia SmithMelissa J. Lucas
2022Champion15.51Freska GVFFuersten-LookShantilly LaceSandro HitRebecca Lewisonsame
Reserve15.46De Nalia HVHDe NiroRebellienne HVHRotsponHigh Valley Hanoverians Inc.same
2021Champion15.19HPMC Penelope Pitstop HFPikko Del Cerro HUBig GirlBaroncelliLisa Thompson Smithsame
Reserve15.18HPMC Behati FDLBorsalinoFantasia CFuerstenballChristy HortonPeggy A. Lansing
2020Champion16.16RockelleRotsponWieslingWolkentanz IAngela Mirarchisame
Reserve15.64Doucette GVFDancianoShantilly LaceSandro HitRebecca Lewisonsame
2019Champion16.40HPMC Lucky Ladybug TFLivaldonFeng Popo TFFuerst NymphenburgMichelle ConradKimberly Davies-Slous
Reserve16.18HPMC Wicked CuteWidmarkEmmeEl BundyDee FranzMeg Williams
2018Champion15.85HPMC Sovereign WS Sir GregoryEM Royal FortuneRomanov Blue HorsCynthia HallJanice Graham Marquardt, Texas
Reserve15.53HPMC Fatal Attraction MRF FuerstenballEM RousseannaRousseauMaple Run Farmsame
2017Champion16.23HPMC Delacour SGFDiaradoEM Anaconda GAcord IIJody CattellSandy Hunt, Mich.
Reserve15.78HPMC EleanorEscudo IIApt To Please xxPleasant Tap xxMax GerdesMax Gerdes, Calif.
2016Champion16.06HPMC Wroyal HeirWidmarkDiviniaDon FredericoRebecca LewisonMeg Williams, Ind.
Reserve15.67HPMC Royal Renata MRFRomanov Blue HorsBritaniaBordeauxMaple Run Farmsame
2015Champion16.64EMC Whitney MRFWolkenstein IIEM Dacia MRFDiamond HitMaple Run Farmsame
Reserve15.53EMC Winola 1WidmarkWolkenstinaWolkenstein IILisa MattaMeg Williams, Ind.
2014Champion16.11EMC Stiletto MRFSir Donnerhall IBritaniaBordeauxMaple Run Farmsame
Reserve15.63EM Bliss SQFBelissimo MSPS RoseRotsponJill Petersonsame
2013Champion15.99EMC Furst DaylightFurst ImpressionAmelia BedeliaAnhaltiner EMary Manningsame
Reserve15.95EMC Won RubyWidmarkDiviniaDon FredericoMeg Williamssame
2012Champion15.72EMC DjangaDacaprioRastellaRegazzoniCarol Jenkinssame
Reserve15.44EMC Laus DeoLandkoenigGhizelleGraf Top IIManessa Donovan & Gustavo RodriguezStacie Fenderson
2011Champion16.44EMC Radiance HVHRotsponEM Whitney BHWelserHigh Valley Hanoverianssame
Reserve15.28Willow CBFWidmarkEM CassieCordobaChristina HeileOakwood Farm
2010Champion15.94EMC PauleahPaparazzoMirandaMaronjoGeorge ToccalinoLouise Lovett
Reserve15.88EMC LucetteLiberty GoldEM AluetteArgentan IJo Ann Thomassame
2009Champion16.01EMC SassafrassScimitarWalentinaWeltmeyerBetsy Cawleysame
Reserve15.94EMC Ana IsabellahAutocratSPS IndullahInschallah xJanice Graham MarquartSherry White
2008Champion16.50EMC Won TinkerbelleWidmarkEM Flying StarWebsterOakwood Farmssame
2007Champion16.10EMC Wyneth LWidmarkEM DavignaDavignonMaurine SwansonPat Limage
2006Champion16.25EMC Roccoca WFRienziTurteltaubchenTin RoccoVanessa Carlsonsame
2005Champion16.50EMC Fallon SLFFabrianoEM WeltladyWeltruhmNona Hendersonsame
2004Champion16.06EMC Scarlett WFSam SteeleEM WhisperWorld Cup IVWilliam Mulhollandsame
Co-Champion16.06EMC Whimsical RWolkenstein IISPS DorenaDavignonLinda HolsteOakwood Farm
Co-Champion16.06EMC Marcellina WFMagicEM FrederikaFeiner SternWilliam Mulhollandsame
(Inagural Year)
Champion15.90EM Dew BerryDavingportFashion AlleyFuerst GotthardAngela BarilarMo Swanson